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2024 Best and Brightest Scholarship Awards Featured Photo

2024 Best and Brightest Scholarship Awards

We are excited to share this Student Spotlight, featuring our exceptional students who were recognized at the 2024 Best and Brightest Scholarship Awards.

Please take a moment to read about and celebrate the remarkable achievements of our scholars:

Dream Hogan: Second place/runner-up in Journalism and Media Production, awarded a $750 scholarship.
Nevaeh Green: Honorable Mention in Technology, awarded a $500 scholarship.
Haylei Rackley: School nominee in the Leadership category, awarded a $100 scholarship.
Eric Brooks: School nominee in the Science and Health category, awarded a $100 scholarship.

Thank you,

Janell S. Massaline
Coordinator, FAMU DRS Future Center
Executive Director, FAMU DRS Freedom School Program
Site Coordinator, College Reach Out Program (CROP)
Florida A&M University Developmental Research School
NOAA Day at FAMU DRS Featured Photo


Thank you to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association for visiting FAMU DRS to share information about all things sky and sea. We appreciate the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association, President Larry Robinson, Provost Allyson Watson, Dean Sara Price, the FAMU Office of STEM Research, FAMU DRS Title I Coordinator Altamese Osborne, and everyone who made this event a success.
Spring 2024 Concert Featured Photo

Spring 2024 Concert

We formally invite you to attend our Spring Concert! The concert will take place on the evening of Thursday, May 9th, 2024, at 6:30 pm in the cafeteria, featuring our wonderful chorus, the jazz band, and students expressing themselves through liturgical dance!

Please come out and support our students, as they have been working hard to put together a wonderful performance for you! We can't wait to see our FAMU-LY in the crowd to cheer us on!

if you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to contact Angel Wallace, Chorus Instructor. Thank you all and don't forget to save the date!

Upcoming Events

May Day

Time: 6 PM – 8 PM
Location: Will Packer Amphitheatre

Spring Concert

Time: 6:30 PM – 8 PM
Location: FAMU DRS Cafeteria


  • Above State Average - Graduation Rate
  • 16:1 - Student Teacher Ratio
  • Collegiate & Technical Dual Enrollment Opportunities
  • Located on the Campus of Florida A&M University
  • State Championship Athletics
  • Engaging Extracurriculars Offered