Student Support Services » Mental Health Program

Mental Health Program

Building Resiliency - Resiliency Education Standards: Character, Personal responsibility, Mentorship and Citizenship, Critical thinking and Problem Solving. Resiliency toolkit: Dynamic resources for students, parents/caregivers, educators and community partners. Florida specific youth survey: Results on students' resiliency and behaviors will inform student instruction, resources, supports, and staff training. Resiliency education, civic and character education and life skills education: school districts provide 5 hours of data-driven instruction annually to students in grades 6-12 related to resiliency, character development, and mental health. Mental health assistance allocation and Florida safe schools assessment took: District funding and planning tools to strengthen school safety and support school staff training, services and resources. School staff training: 80% or more of school staff receive youth mental health awareness training.
Click to learn more.
The FAMU DRS Mental Health Plan
The First Aid Approach to Mental Health Concerns | Psychology Today
Many children suffer in silence. Too often, they carry the burden of mental health issues and feel they have no one to turn to. They may feel hopeless, helpless and alone. Unlike adults, kids don’t always know when it’s time to ask for help. Some might feel embarrassed or ashamed by a mental health problem. These are just some reasons why we feel school mental health professionals are essential at FAMU DRS.  
School mental health professionals are vital in helping students cope with mental health issues in healthy and productive ways. They help provide support for individuals and families in need, work to prevent school violence, are involved in career planning, and much more. Working with school counselors and teams of student support services faculty, our mental health professionals are here to help and support our students and families.
PK-12 Comprehensive School Counseling Plan - Hornell City School District
FAMU DRS 2024-2025 Mental Health Training Plan
For additional information regarding mental health services, contact:
FAMU DRS School Counselors
Director of Guidance/Counselor
Ms. Kay Wallace
Phone: 850.412.5930
Ms. Keishia Mackey
Phone: 850.412.5930
School Social Worker and
Drop-out Prevention Specialist
Mrs. Yolanda Foxx-Palmer
Phone: 850.412.5930